Very early in the morning, while it was still dark . . . Jesus went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35)

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, Susanna, mother of the famous John and Charles Wesley lived a challenging life. She married a preacher who could not manage money. After giving birth to 19 children, only ten survived. Susanna argued with her husband about everything. Even simple disagreements would cause her husband to leave her alone with the children for extended periods of time, and this with one crippled, and another who couldn’t talk until almost six years old. To add to her heartbreak, one of her daughters had a child out of wedlock.

            But Susanna had made a vow as a young woman. She promised to give part of her day to God in prayer. As a wife working to survive in a thorny marriage (in the late 1600s and early 1700s), this made keeping her promise difficult. One day, she decided to carve out her secret place right where she stood. She threw her apron over her head and advised the children not to disturb her because she was praying. Susanna remained devoted to the Lord, despite the hardships life held. Her son, John, preached to millions and brought the spirit of revival wherever he went and her other son, Charles, wrote over 9000 hymns, many of which are still sung today.

            If Jesus needed a solitary place to pray, we all do. Susanna’s creative way to pray gives us all hope to persevere no matter what. After all, we never know what hangs in the balance.


Dear Jesus, You sought a solitary place to spend time in prayer. Inspire me, like you did Susanna, to find my special spot no matter where or when to do the same. Amen.


(Photo courtesy of Lee Wyant of her grandmother’s apron)