
About ten Christmases ago I received a book from my son, Derek. It went to the top of my all-time favorites list as soon as I read it: Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows,by Ravi Zacharias. Up to that point, I had only watched a few of his messages online, but became an avid follower after finishing the book. 

Walking from East to Westis the memoir of a cricket-loving boy named Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias born in Madras, India (now Chennai) in 1946. This book tells of his remarkable transformation that began while recovering in a Delhi hospital from a suicide attempt at age 17. While there, he read the words of Jesus recorded by the apostle John: “Because I live, you will also live.”

In response to God’s word, Zacharias surrendered his to life to Christ and offered a prayer that if he emerged from the hospital, he would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of truth. His life’s work is proof this prayer was answered in exceptional ways. Zacharias rose to be a world-renowned Christian apologist and founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) in Alpharetta, Georgia. For over 30 years and across 43 countries, RZIM has met millions of questioners with thoughtful answers concerning faith in God.

As a follower of RZIM, I learned of Ravi’s recent battle with cancer. RZIM’s social media pages encouraged followers to share “#thankyouRavi” posts. Heartbroken from the news, I had to share my “thank you” story to honor him, and praise the God we both love and trust. To add heartbreak to heartbreak, the morning after writing my story down, May 19, 2020, Ravi Zacharias entered his heavenly home.

After I read that Christmas gift so long ago, I said to my son, “Where did you get this book? I absolutely loved it. Such a fabulous read!” I was shocked by his answer. “Ravi Zacharias gave it to me,” he said.

At the time Derek worked as a barista for a coffee catering company called, Mocha My Day. He was hired to serve on movie sets and private events all over Atlanta. That year he was hired to work at the RZIM Christmas party. Before he left the party, Ravi gave him the book and personally thanked Derek for serving.

Little did Ravi know that he was giving my son a gift that answers skeptics’ questions about whether God is alive, who Jesus is, what is truth, and whether we can really find absolutes directly to his target audience. My son, raised on God’s word had lost faith in the God he learned about his entire life.

This thrilled my heart and showed me that God listened to the prayers of a mother for a doubting son. What are the odds that my son would be serving at a Christmas party for the most powerful and effective Christian apologist in the world? And that man would think to give the gift of one of his books to a server and thank him? Ravi is just that kind of man!

Ravi, you touched this momma’s heart in such a way that I will never forget. You were an instrument God used to show me that He hears and answers prayers and is working behind the scenes to reach those who stray. And for that, I THANK YOU! The ripples of your ministry are far-reaching and the movement in the water will continue on forever.

Thank you for all you have meant to me personally and for all you have done to advance the kingdom of God. Thank you for helping thinkers believe and for helping this believer think. You said, “Religions, 20thCentury cultures, and philosophies had formed vast chasms between the message of Christ and the mind of man.” Thank you for bridging the gap of that great chasm! Your work captivated my heart every time I heard you speak or read your words. I thank God for the privilege of being on earth the same time you were here. #ThankYouRavi