The Splendor of God

Because of the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor. (Isaiah 55:5)

OUR PROMISE FOR TODAY guarantees we are endowed with splendor. Could it be that God’s glory shines through the actions of his people? When Saint Francis of Assisi’s prayer asks the Lord to make us instruments of peace by sowing love where there is hatred, and pardon where there is injury, my thoughts went to the true life story of Louis Zamperini, told in the book, Unbroken.

            Louis Zamperini, Olympian and WWII hero served as a bombardier in the Army Air Forces when his plane was downed by enemy forces. He survived (with a friend) on a raft for 47 grueling days, only to be captured and placed in a horrific Japanese prison camp for more than two years. One Japanese officer in the camp zeroed in on Louie, brutally abusing him with insane rage.

            Zamperini somehow survived these experiences and went home after the war ended, but severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) led to alcoholism. Anger mixed with heavy drinking threatened to unravel his life. He finally surrendered to Jesus during an evangelistic crusade. Healed and completely changed, Louie, by God’s grace, even wrote a letter of forgiveness to the evil Japanese officer.

            Most of our grievances won’t ever compare with Louie’s sufferings, but when our neighbors see us being merciful when offended, covering the faults of others with love, believing when doubt assails, and infusing joy when sadness reigns—then they will see the living splendor of God and know Jesus is Lord of all.


Holy One of Israel, You have promised: I am endowed with your splendor. I choose to believe. Please use me today as an instrument of your majestic glory. Amen.


image from youtube interview